Wednesday, December 28, 2011


As always I spend my holidays in Kuopio(Eastern Finland) in my grandparents townhouse. 

Here's the only pic of moi taken this Christmas. There's my dog, Topi who has been on these pages before. He's still well, begs for food and whisps his tail even thou he's almost 13 years old...

I decorated the tree, we have these really old things we always put on a tree, not new and fancy like I usually would prefer. Apples, birds, balls, bells,candles and frosty the snowman.

Apparently I have not been that a good girl this year and I didn't get that many presents. Actually, not that good presents even(yes I am a bitch because I say so). So, I introduce only the ones I liked. 

I guess this was the best, Tangle teezer, a pink one. This really works and does not hurt. Brushing hair has never been this nice, I promise.

Hush Puppies shoes. Not sure if I really need these or anything but they're cute! 

My granny is a great porcelain painter and she gave me this violet cat set. I already have very much her works, and I really like the idea that she made these for me and these are unique. 

Two american books, translated in finnish because I nowadays read too little anything written by a finn so some translated literature I have to do. So that I won't forget my native language, haha. Anyway, these are the sequals to the first book of series...The name was Luxe if I remember correctly. These are very light to read, about New Yorks rich people in 1899 -> 

I got a little money too, and oc I went to shop as soon as the stores would open...and I found this lovely 1950's stylish dress from Vero Moda. I look grown up and no-one will think I'm underaged at work(yes, a few weeks back this happened, one customer kept telling me that I must be 15 and I can't be working in a bar. I was pretty mad)

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This night we went to see the new Sherlock Holmes(by 'we' I mean me&Maria). 
Noomi Rapace was great and she is basically why I wanted to see this film. Thou...adventure movies kinda are my guilty pleasure and must admit, Jude Law is cute(sorry Maria but he is).

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

My reason is you

One good thing in my life, which gives me energy to deal with all this other shit is....

Horses. (Warning, this post is ponylicious)

There's no greater pleasure for me than riding my lovely fav ponies,  and in a bad times like now, poorer ponies will do also. My current pony is okay but he just don't got it. But this one, of whom the following pics are, this one definitely gots it.

His name is Mister-Mystery and I think he's 9 years old or so.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I am timid and I am over sensitive

I am a lioness I am tired and defenssive....

I'm having quite a stress because of everything I should do but for now I'm trying my best to forget that all and enjoy my last x-mas as a child. 

I've done some serious shoppings, mainly because my dear friend Anne was visiting me for the weekend and well, we wandered through many many stores and even Ikea so....Now I'm like broke...badly...luckily I have my job at the night club. 

Here is a Monday look o'mine, quite basic but nafty I'd say. The dress does not show well in this pic, but it's from Ann Summers(yes a pornstore) and it's called Britney. Ironic that I've been listening a lot of her lately. Too many songs seem to fit my life right now. No, I'm not ashamed to admit I love her& her music, thou my heart still belongs even more to Christina Aguilera(for her I'd go gay).

The shoes are from year 2006 from my Prague-visit. My taste has not changed that much I many of you still use same shoes as as a 15-year-old?

I already mentioned her...I ordered 2 of her albums, Back to basics and Bionic. The first I already had, but I broke it so..had to get a new one and Bionic was so cheap that I took that one too. I listened it in Spotify once when it was released, I did not like it and did not buy it then, but now I've been listening to it on a repeat and I LOVE that album. The lyrics are amazing. She seems to know me well.

A girls best friend is a small hand gun....

I'm not a make up girl. Or I used to not be, nowadays..maybe I am just a little bit. MAC is my fav label.

Todays outfit. I was not going to rave parties but to see a movie, The Girl with a Dragon tattoo. Movie was great, unless you've seen the originals&read the book. I have so...well okey, I still kinda liked it, let's think of it as a quilty pleasure. But, a hot girl kicking mens asses just is enough and while there's Trent Reznor's music, what else do we need? Men are pigs&rats.

Well...about my clothes...from Cyberdog the skirt&top and the hoodie is from Living dead souls. And in the back you can find my cat, LSD.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Victoria's Secret candy

Ooopsss I forgot to tell ya about my Heathrow's shoppings. You may know that in Europe thats the only place where they sell Victoria's secrets cosmetics...and I'm addicted to those sooooo badly. Luckily next spring one store opens in London town finally!

Well, we almost missed our flight back home because I had so hard time deciding which products I will buy. 15minutes before the depart I took frangrance mist Strawberries&champagne for my dear friend Sonja and well...for me, 2 Body lotions and one frangrance mist. Those smell _so_ good that for those, I'd gladly missed the plane.

Victoria's secret is a very nice label for various reasons. For one, it's really not that expensive. If I remember correctly those bottles were like 13 pounds each or so. They smell goo-ood and for my skin they seem to work, even thou my skin can be a little sensitive. I can only recommend these lovely items.

The party wont start til I walk in

Next weekend I'll be working at the nightclub so....this weekend I went to party in another. This is how I looked, the shoes did not fit in the pic, but as you can guess I had my new Jeffreys.  I must say that they were noted.

I was kinda disapointed that I was asked to show my ID's and the place we went was for 19 and older. Do I look like under 19??? 

Ps. I am finally and officially an iPhone 4S 32GB owner. It is white with pink covers and I love it, and I'm very lost with how to use it. I got it yesterday as a Name day present. Well half Name day at least. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Some of my London shoppings haven't yet made it to here, so now I'll introduce 'em. 

MAC's Lady GaGa lipstick. I usually dislike very much brown&nude make up....but lately I got hooked. And because IMO no make up is better than MAC's make up, I had to buy this lipstick.  I got it from London, it's cheaper there. As usual everything is so much more expensive in Finland.

Here's a silly silly pic of moi wearing it.

Lovely necklace from Claire's, it was cheap but does not make it any uglier.

New shirt under corset. It's Queen of Darkness and the back is lovely, you can see my back tattoo too. Without a tattoo this would look rather boring I think. Btw this is size small(and still it fits me!!!) I must have lost some weight.

One of London's best stores is definetly Disney store, for an eternal princess such as me, it is a heaven on earth. All I bought was this mug, I was so close buying christmas decorations but finally I pulled myself together and left those to the store. I'm not spending my holidays at home, so why waste money on decorations? Sense, makes none.

I really do need my beauty sleep, haha. Lately haven't got so much of sleep because of silly plumming renovation what is going on in my building. Looking for new home, so if you know a studio apartment in Helsinki(I'm so done with Espoo..) with reasonable rent, I'm all ears!

Movie Monday #26 - Xmas Time

I've been put aside Movie Monday-challenges but now I found the time&will to do one, about Christmas movies. Last weekend me and my lovely kid/friend/lover/youdecide Maria had our own 'christmas party' at my step moms place in Sipoo where we were looking after her dogs(that lovely rottweiler Army<3 and Remu). Anyways, we ate lots of candy,pizza other crap and watched christmas movies, home alone 2, polar express,Santa Buddies and the Search for Santa paws. We didn't have the time to watch my ultimate favourite X-mas movie, and it is very very VERY surprisingly The Nightmare before christmas.  I'm actually kind of boring person what comes to my x-mas movie taste, it is very traditional and I don't have any cool aces in my pocket that would be 'so underground and like indie movies'. My favs along with this one, are home alones, Grinch, Buddies, and oh well, does Gilmore Girls Christmas episodes count?

It just IS so good, I can't help it.

There is no christmas without it.

Ps. One of my fav love songs is in this movie, oc Sally's song. Too often I have the feeling that someone must have written than song about my feelings.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The day I bought my first Jeffrey Campbells

Yesterday I had a very very shitty day and I was about to quit everything. Angsangst nobody loves me, I got no home, too much school&horse stress and I just hate myself and want to die. 
Yes, yesterday was a _bad_ day. But suddenly it wasn't.

With all my bad mood I was going to my burlesque class(because it always makes me laugh no matter what)  and I decided to go and wander some stores before. First I went to Apple store and I was this close buying a computer....then I ran out of the store because I really can't afford a computer right now, especially not macbook. So I went to Spiritstore. Just to see some shoes. And there they were. The shoes that screamed my name so loud that I was not able to hear anything else. I tried them on, not even looking the price tag and went to the cassier. Without even a blink of an eye I handed over my debit card and they were mine. Just like that in less than 5 minutes I spend 169e, and you know what, I'm not even sorry. They are fabulous.

They are so pretty and the only ones in size 36, they had arrived the very day to the store so I had to be quick to get them. 

My tights are covered with cat hair because I had just been cleaning up the house. 

I so need a party so that I can use them. I don't want to spoil the leather in rain&dirt outside. 

Less is more? Then no-heels at all must be the morest!

Hope you had as lovely yesterday as I did, even if it did not look bright at the beginning.