Friday, June 28, 2013

Ponys new home

Sorry for not updating. It's been a while...many changes. The biggest one being, my baby moved to a new stable, closer to me and one of the best stables in Helsinki-area. We have lots of space to ride, very good hay, great staff and nice other customers(horses&owners).

Edels at the new stable!

I don't have that much plans for the summer, mainly work, but I had the time to visit Tampere, went to see the dolphins and to shop riding equipment...a Sprenger KK-Ultra bit, two riding pants from Pikeur etc.
Cotton Candy& me :)

Last Saturday we tried a little jumping, starting with this...not a real jump even xD But I was nervous at first.

Then a little higher jumps. She loved to jump!

Forget how hard it is to ride in a jumping saddle...Btw those are the new Pikeur pants, Cindy. One size smaller than the same pants bought precis a year ago, black ones also Cindy by Pikeur.