Friday, April 27, 2012

With this bra, I could rule the world

Marlies Dekkers.

I've been lusting over these for months. Yes, they cost a lot of money, yes they're worth it. Trust me on this, just go to a shop, try them on, and you'll understand what I mean.

Before wore bras from H&M, Lindex, Gina Tricot, New Yorker etc, and now my friends, this will change. From now on, only bras from good underwear stores will be accepted. Such as these....

Here's how they look on me with a top.

Then I wandered to another store...Underwearstore called Change. There was this amazing sale, get 2 underwear sets, pay 1! Since I have these huge boobs(sorry but they are...) and my size is a bit tricky, I had to take two kinda same looking sets. They fit greatly and I've needed some other color than black to my underwear collection. Now I can always buy only black black black. 
About the size issue. I probably should not say this, but most of you wear wrong sized bra as we speak. Really, do yourselves a favor and go to your local bra shops, ask the sales person to find you right size. I've used 75D or 75DD before...and it turns out, I'm a 70E,70F or 70G(WTF I mean I know they're big but...SERIOUSLY?????!). It depends on a label etc, Today I bought 3 bras, one of each size mentioned below, and they all fit me perfectly. The sales woman looked the right size for me in every bra and she said it is common to use wrong sized bra and also that the right size can depend on a label, just like in any other piece of clothing. 
I spend almost 200e today on underwear, yes that is a lot of money, and yes it was necessary. And well, the bigger boobs, the more important it is to have good bra.

What can I for everyone? 
I needed some easy-to-walk shoes for the spring&summer, so as a horse lady I got these oc. I can use them at work(the club, not as archeologist), I can drive and I can wear them in school. From Andiamo, only 39.95e.


Ravenoir said...

Oon hankkinut alusvaatteeni viimeiset 4-5 vuotta Changelta. En löydä normi vaatekaupoista kuten Seppälästä ynnä muista millään tavalla istuvia rintaliivejä sillä ympärys mulla on 65 joita ei todellakaan löydy noista kaupoista. Kaikki on vähintään sen 70 o.O Ja muutenkin huonolaatuisia joten panostan mielelläni istuviin ja laadukkaisiin alusvaatteisiin enkä ole katunut päivääkään alusvaateliikkeiden tarjontaan siirtymistä! :D Itsekin haluaisin noita Marlies Dekkersin rintaliivejä, mutta pitää oottaa kesätöihin saakka kun oon taas rikas.

Anna Gramm said...

Change has quite unique bra sizes and it's just for making women go "omg I have hueg boobz" and buy their stuff... It's a marketing technique, nothing else, those sizes aren't comparable to other labels and because of that this "get yourself measured" thing feels like a hoax. Sadly.

Marlies Dekkers, on the other hand, is fabulous and super uber cool and their sizes are all right. :)

Maria said...

So it's possible I'm a C-cup? COME ON

Fehlgeburt said...

Ravenoaris; Joo siis itse olen aiemmin pihistellyt rintsikka ostoksissa, mutta en enää. Hennes,Seppälä,Lindex yms kauppojen tarjonta vaan ei ole laadukasta,en usko että ne oikeasti istuu kunnolla kenellekkään...Oon aivan haltiossani näistä uusista ostoksista, siis kun ne ei yhtään missään asenossa purista/ahdista tms mua, tuntuu kuin ei olisi rintsikoita edes päällä, tämä on mulle niiin uutta(ja ihanaa<3)! Marliesit on tosiaan tyyriitä, mutta toisaalta eivät nuo Changen liivit kovin paljoa halvempia ole, Marliesin nuo omani olivat alle 90e.

Anna Gramm; Yes, I'm sure you're right, this is a marketing technique. Since for me the right size in Marlies Dekkers was 70E and on Change bras 70F&G, the sizes can't be this fucked up by accident...I guess my Marlies size is in most bra labels my right size.

Maria; It is possible, we need to go to a proper shop and get you measured, then we'll know for sure. But you are something like 60C since you are soooo skinny :D