Friday, April 20, 2012

Soul mate

Since I'm a single lady I need someone to kiss, someone to tell how much I love and someone to spend time with...I have a horse. No, she's not mine, since I'm poor. But I get to take care of her often. Sadly I still have no pics of our work but here's some.

This time of year I always wash Laima's feet before&after work. 

2 pics with equipment on

I'm currently at Sipoo, taking care of 2 dogs. Here's Army testing the bed, yes it's soft enough :D

Some news, I got a work for May. As a digger in some archaeologist excavation. It's gonna be hard work, solid 8h per day 5 days a week. The drive is about an hour each way so...10h per day for work...hard...yes. 


Maria said...

Army <3 Bed time already?

Fehlgeburt said...

No it was not bed time, thou she sneaked to my bed....later on we all slept there, me,Army,Remu,Koukku :D