Thursday, March 22, 2012

New layout<3!!!

As you can see, I have a new(and very pretty may I add <3) layout! It's by my dear friend Mystral. Lovely isn't it?

...and then something bad happened. Anyone who knows me even a little can tell that me, not so good with electronic divices...and electronic divices + me = chaos. 
So.....this is what happened. Don't ask, I don't wanna talk about it......

To more pleasant news. My very own dog, Topi visited me this week.  Mom has stolen him from me, so Topi lives in Kuopio and I rarely get to see him since I'm not that keen on that city.

After I finally studied how to use eBay, yes in my case it is studying, I've ordered some ponies...Now I'm so broke that I avoid eBay. These ponies luckily did not cost that much. 

She's a Brush 'n' Grow- pony, her tail gets longer and by moving her head it get short again.

This one is a Candy cane-pony, she smells and my&my aunt had one pony like this when we were kids...It still should be somewhere safe, but we haven't found her yet, so I wanted one just like the one we had.

Pink unicorns are my favorites yes...She is Princess Sparkle. One of the prettiest ponies there is in my opinion. So glad to have her on my collection.

Dunno what is wrong with me, but every year I get this weird desire to have pink hair. The last two winters I have been pink haired and now that the spring is coming...I feel something is not right. Blonde hair is way more easier yes, and I know that soon I'll want it back because after all, I can't hide it, I'm a blonde bimbo girl in a fantasy world...But baby pink hair is just so pretty...And when I'm like 40 yo I will look so stupid with pink hair that this would be the time to have it, right? (okay, I'm not even near 30, much less 40 so I have plenty of time but that is not the point here...)


Ravenoir said...

Hei, mulla oli pienenä juurikin tuollainen samanlainen poni jolta sai hännän kasvamaan! Olin silloin melkoinen ponifani. :) Tosin muistaakseni leikkasin sen harjan keesiksi..

Fehlgeburt said...

Brutaalia leikata ponille keesi :s
Noita hännän kasvattaja poneja on joitakin erilaisia, mutta muistaakseni tuo on ainoa vaaleanpunainen versio :)

Ravenoir said...

Kyllä, olin jo pienenä leluponien rääkkääjä :D Taisi olla taas joku pikkulapsen aivoitus, että leikkaanpas tämän harjan pois kun se kasvaa takaisin. No eipä kasvanut. Mulla oli juuri tuollainen vaaleanpunainen :) Täytyy joskus kaivella noita vanhoja lelulaatikoita äiteen luona josko sieltä löytyisi vielä mun ikivanhoja poneja.

Fehlgeburt said...

Minullekin kävi kerran niin, että luulin barbien otsahiuksien kasvavan takaisin jos napsaisen ne poikki, no eipäs kasvaneet. Siitä viisastuneena jätin muiden barbien/ponien tms karvat rauhaan :D