Yesterday I had a very very shitty day and I was about to quit everything. Angsangst nobody loves me, I got no home, too much school&horse stress and I just hate myself and want to die.
Yes, yesterday was a _bad_ day. But suddenly it wasn't.
With all my bad mood I was going to my burlesque class(because it always makes me laugh no matter what) and I decided to go and wander some stores before. First I went to Apple store and I was this close buying a computer....then I ran out of the store because I really can't afford a computer right now, especially not macbook. So I went to Spiritstore. Just to see some shoes. And there they were. The shoes that screamed my name so loud that I was not able to hear anything else. I tried them on, not even looking the price tag and went to the cassier. Without even a blink of an eye I handed over my debit card and they were mine. Just like that in less than 5 minutes I spend 169e, and you know what, I'm not even sorry. They are fabulous.
They are so pretty and the only ones in size 36, they had arrived the very day to the store so I had to be quick to get them.
My tights are covered with cat hair because I had just been cleaning up the house.
I so need a party so that I can use them. I don't want to spoil the leather in rain&dirt outside.
Less is more? Then no-heels at all must be the morest!
Hope you had as lovely yesterday as I did, even if it did not look bright at the beginning.
Aivan mielettömät, mua ei hidastaisi ehkä mikään noiden kohdalla... Ehkä täytyy pitäytyä Spirit Storen ulkona :D Kuinka vaikeat noilla on käytännössä kävellä?
Ei edes niin vaikea kuin voisi kuvitella, jos on tottunut kävelemään korkeilla koroilla kuten allekirjottanut niin näillä on helppo oppia. Aivan kuten muillakin platformeilla niin näillä on vähän ilkeää mennä epätasaisessa maastossa, mutta sileällä no problemo!
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